Over the past few years, my ice cream bike business has proven to be both pandemic proof and inflation proof. The bike business model is not only a smart and safe investment but it also will cost you a fraction of what most start ups will. Especially when you put into place all of the lessons, tips and tricks that 9 years of building my Cream Cruiser brand has taught me.

I have put together an incredibly detailed step by step blueprint that will take your concept from start to finish in 4 months (or often times less). I have taken the guess work out and already solved the problems and answered the questions for you. Making your bike business journey smooth & profitable from the start. I am constantly adding to B.B.U. and you will have forever access to the information!

***BBU is relevant to more than just ice cream bike businesses. Yes, you do learn my sammie secrets, but there is a strong focus on sales / marketing / growing a catering business for any mobile / events based business. Many students sell products other than ice cream...from vehicles other than bikes*** Reach out with any questions on this!

But here's the truth......

I won't promise you that in 4 months you will be quitting your job and working only over the summer. I won't promise you that your business will come easy and without lots of blood, sweat and tears.

But I will promise you......if you make a committment to yourself, follow my guided steps and put your ALL into building your business, you WILL have a turnkey businsess by the end.

It may take some people shorter. It may take some people longer. And that's okay. Everyone's journey is different. What matters is that you appreciate the process and fall madly in love with creating something that is your own.

THAT is what will make you succeed!

In 2015, I invested less than $10,000.00 into starting my ice cream bike business. My first summer I did $25,000.00 in sales simply from ONE farmers market every Saturday morning and that was it. I did a handful of catering events but not much. My second summer I did over $55,000.00. I worked a full time job so this was just on weekends over the summer.

WHEN YOU JOIN B.B.U. not only do you receive life time access to all training videos, documents, checklists, planning guides, tracking logs, budgeting tools, pricing strategies and more....but you will also receive the following:

☑ Email support from me Monday to Thursday. I am on your team. Consider me as a part of your start up journey. Think of this program like coaching but at a fraction of the price.

☑ Monthly Office Hours / Trainings. Office hours is a monthly zoom meeting where you have the opportunity to submit your questions ahead of time and we will answer them on the zoom. And then all 'meetings' will be saved into a private community.

☑ Connection to the BEST ice cream bike supplier. When you order from my supplier, your bike will come fully put together complete with insulation and your graphics, shipped directly to your doorstep. Or I can help you build your dream ice cream scooter, tuktuk, trailer, step van and more!

☑ Access to my Cream Cruiser Recipe Book. I continuously add to it and all updates are included in the B.B.U. platform. BONUS: This also includes some ABSOLUTE TOP SECRETS to my ice cream sandwiches that not even my close family & friends know! THIS IS A GAME CHANGER IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE BEST & MOST AFFORDABLE SAMMIES.

☑ NEW: Cottage Law approved products. Just like an ice cream sammie but different. I cut out the frozen / perishable piece and have included a super simple solution to solve the commissary, dry ice & keeping products frozen part. These products can be the PERFECT starter product!

☑ Detailed steps for product development & some of my TOP sammie secrets. Which includes to how to find a space to make / store your products. How to get the licensing that you need. Detailed steps to creating your dream products as well as suggestions for outsourcing.

☑ Sales Strategy & Steps To Take To Scale Your Catering Business. This includes how to start selling out at community events & markets, social media use for sales, a 7 week catering challenge to complete, and so much more.

☑ FREE Access To My Mobile Business Marketing Kit. This is a golden opportunity right here! The idea is to help ALL mobile business owners leverage social media to book more catering events & increase sales. This includes daily trending audios, weekly / monthly content ideas, copy & paste captions, AND SO MUCH MORE! I know social media is tough to keep up with but consistency is KEY so let me help make it easier and more effective for you! (Valued at $948.00).

☑ Shipping Perishable Products Detailed Training. Learn how to ship your frozen & perishable products to your customers to expand your reach and bring in sales in addition to events / catering sales! You get access to my STEP BY STEP training that walks you through the EXACT supplies needed and EXACT steps to pack the box.

☑ Private community of other bike businesses who support each other. This has been one of my FAVORITE parts! The new businesses are all becoming friends, chatting all of the time and supporting each other.

☑ Free marketing, promotions and giveaways on my accounts as you launch. I am constantly promoting all of the new bike businesses and LOVE sharing your story to my audience / email list of 100,000+ people. NEW: MONTHLY BIKE BIZ FAM GIVEAWAYS!


Years of Ice Cream Experience


Total Events



Ice Cream Sammies Sold


Total Dollars of Ice Cream Sold


This course is an investment because starting a business is an investment. As my business grew over the past 9 years, I invested around $200,000.00 into developing these systems, products and tips for success. And this program will provide you with every single thing you need to replicate my business model and help you not only create amazing products but to be able to keep up with growth. I have spent months and countless hours compiling all of this information together to make sure you are 100% set up for success and I am SO excited to be a part of your journey.

I have taken the 9 years and $200,000.00 step out for you when you so you can skip over that part. Join the family!!



-- Business Planning & Budgeting

-- Goal Setting & Finding Your Why

-- Name, Logo & Branding

-- Designing & Ordering Your Bike


-- Insurance Required / Tax ID

-- Product Development & Top Secrets

-- Package Design & Requirements

-- Website Development


-- Marketing / Menu Creation

-- Pricing Strategy

-- Catering & Event Outreach

-- Catering Contracts & Event Tracking


-- Storage Space Requirements

-- Health Permitting

-- Ordering Supplies Needed

-- Business Launch & Promotion

*** BONUSES ***

-- How To Keep Products Frozen

-- Finding Staff

-- Digital Marketing Training

-- Stanstore For Catering Training

-- Instagram + TikTok To Book More

-- Weekly trending audios + reel ideas

*** HUGE BONUS ***



-- $874.00 to join B.B.U.

-- $4,000.00 for your bike (to include shipping & artwork on bike)

-- $1,500.00 for a trailer to transport the bike

-- $1,000.00 for event supplies (menu boards, napkins & holders, bags, etc.)

-- $500.00 for marketing materials

-- $1,000.00 to secure storage and / or commissary space

-- $500.00 permits & inspections

-- $500.00 for packaging supplies

-- $1,500.00 for opening product order / ingredients

-- $2,000.00 for miscellaneous


If you’re still wondering if B.B.U. is a good fit for you…


This IS for you if.......

  • You have always dreamed of having your own business but you have never known where to start.

  • You are in need of a career change and want to be your own boss but do not have a huge budget to start something with.

  • You thrive off of meeting new people and making people smile.

  • You love being outside, sunshine and summer.

  • You are not afraid of hardwork and once you get your mind set on something you won't stop until it's yours!

This IS NOT for you if.......

  • You want a magic pill that will make your business successful overnight.

  • You are on the fence if you have enough time and attention to put towards starting the business.

  • You do not have access to around $15,000.00 in start up costs.

  • You expect to quit your job and be financially sucessful immediately after starting your business.

  • You are not willing to put in the hardwork. Whether that's because of time, motivation or any other reason. Starting a business is HARDWORK...regardless of the biz model.

When you join the B.B.U. family..... truly join my family. You are a part of my team.

You have my commitment to do everything I can to help you succeed. While this is a self paced course, you are welcome to email me AT ANY TIME with questions as they come up.

The past few months I have been working 1 on 1 helping others launch their bike business and have complied every detail, every phone call, every question into this program.

I know this business model like the back of my hand and am so excited to help you get rolling. LET'S GO!!!

Check out some of the new bike businesses throughout the country!

Creamery Coaster Bike Business University Testimonial:

"I never imagined that a simple decision to hire a mentor would change my life the way it did. Enter Katherine, the queen of the ice cream bike catering business. With over a decade of experience under her belt, she's seen it all—the highs, the lows, the twists, and the turns. But what sets Katherine apart isn't just her expertise; it's her authenticity, her genuine care, and her unwavering commitment to helping others succeed.

From the moment I joined her Bike Business University (BBU) program, I knew I was in good hands. Katherine's approach is refreshingly real. She doesn't sugarcoat the challenges of entrepreneurship, but she also doesn't dwell on them. Instead, she shares her insights, her experiences, and her proven strategies for navigating the road to success.

One thing that initially gave me pause was the incredible success Katherine claimed to have achieved. It seemed too good to be true and of course it was on social media. But let me tell you, it's all real. With Katherine's guidance, I've not only launched my own ice cream bike catering business, but I've also surpassed my wildest expectations. The BBU program is not just a one-time purchase; it's a lifetime membership to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, constantly updated with the latest tips, tricks, and trends.

But perhaps the most valuable aspect of working with Katherine isn't just the business knowledge she imparts—it's the personal connection we've formed along the way. She's not just my mentor; she's my friend, my confidante, and my secret weapon. Her mastery of the BBU program is unmatched, but what truly sets her apart is her genuine desire to see others succeed.

So to anyone hesitating to take the leap and join Katherine's BBU program, I say this: trust me, it's worth every penny. She's not just selling a product; she's offering a pathway to your dreams. And with Katherine by your side, anything is possible!

PS: And let me tell you, owning an ice cream cart business and selling ice cream sandwiches is not just putting ice cream between cookies. There's a whole world of logistics, marketing strategies and customer service skills that Katherine's mentorship has helped me navigate. Trust me, you need the mentorship more than you realize."

- Rhonda, Owner of Creamery Coaster